Saturday, March 12, 2011

Saree engraving 1516 – oldest engraving of a saree?

Is this the earliest saree engraving?
This is an image of “the idol of Calicut” in a depiction from 1516.
“Jörg Breu d. Ä. zugeschrieben, Idol von Calicut, in: Ludovico de Varthema, ‘Die Ritterlich und lobwürdig Reisz’, Strassburg 1516. (Bild: Völkerkundemuseum der Universität Zürich.)”
It seems that the person praying could be a saree clad women.
I’ll put on my research hat and look in to this. But if any of you have insight in to this, please email me or leave a note in the comment box.
Here is a detailed picture.