Thursday, March 19, 2009

20 Year-Old DC Intern Blamed for Entire Economic Crisis By Geithner

Staffer "Timmy" Goes Under The Bus

How low and sleazy can these worms in DC get with the whole Notorious A.I.G. saga? This low [Politico]:
Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner, taking his turn on CNN tonight, says not to blame Chris Dodd for the AIG bonus mess -- but don't blame him either.

The responsibility, he said, lies with "staff" -- but emphasized that he stood behind the decision.

How would you like to be Treasury Secretary Geithner's staff, where the guy sells you up the river to a national media outlet to save his own soon-to-be-doomed career? As AllahPundit slightly modifies the phrase from probably the last decent Democrat this country had: "The buck stops...with my staff".