Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Don't believe this scumbag

I know this guy looks like he's been around for a while and he knows what he's talking about, but DO NOT TAKE FINANCIAL ADVICE FROM HIM. First of all, the viscacha is not a rabbit, it's a rodent, which takes him down a peg or two in terms of ability to really see what's going on from a broad perspective and think in terms of long-term solvency. Second, those whiskers come included with every member of the species, so he's really not as wise as he seems.

Quite frankly, Viscacha, I don't care how many times they let you on CNBC, you have no idea what you are talking about. I'm not going to "take this opportunity during the downturn to invest in grass." AND THANKS FOR THAT HOT TIP ON CIRCUIT CITY, MORON, THEY REALLY DID TURN IT AROUND, DIDN'T THEY? You'll be hearing from my attorney, Viscacha.