Wednesday, March 11, 2009

I'm not going to fall for it, Porcupine

Very clever, Porcupine. You want me to catch you, don't you? You might have cute little teeth and a furry belly, but you've got giant quills all over your back, and if I come any closer, I'm going to be in a world of pain unmatched even by what your little porcupine paws are doing to me. You're all "Oh jeez, I can't hold on here much longer, please, don't let me fall and hurt myself." But I'M all "Fuck you, Porcupine."

So nice try, asshole. I'm just going to wait over here. I'm not even going to call the fire department to get you down and knit a trampoline for you to fall onto in case they don't get here in time and also gather some leaves and fruit for you to munch on when you get down because you are probably going to be hungry. Suck on that.