Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Jon Stewart and Veterans Groups United Against Third-Party Insurance Scam From VA

Jon Stewart's riff on the Obama administration for trying to save $540M by making wounded vets use private health insurance is well-deserved. The Frito Lay-sponsored MOH and Arlington National Water Park were particularly humorous. The bi-partisan ruckus being made indicates this proposal by the VA is about as politically toxic as AIG executives doing taxpayer-funded cocaine off some chick's ass. From a strategy-level, it's certainly a good thing that veterans care is still viewed as a moral imperative by most of America, since veterans are quantitatively a small voting bloc and would have difficulty competing with other more well-funded special interest groups.

Here's some of the veterans groups that are hoppin' mad:

American Legion - calls the plan "A desperate search for money at any cost"
VFW - Not happy either
IAVA - Obama's proposal is an embarrassment to Abraham Lincoln!
VoteVets - Just Say Nay

Props to the This Ain't Hell dudes, who were the first bloggers to break the story.

Update: This proposal is now DOA and the administration has backed off.