Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Imaginary animals are supposed to, oh, I don't know, require imagination


COME ON, JACKALOPE. A rabbit with antlers? This was the best you losers could come up with? You know, if I was a fake animal, I'd throw in some cool shit, like wings, and laser eyes. All you did was put one thing from another animal onto a completely normal animal! Um, okay, a puppy with a trunk for a nose! I call it a elephuppy. A fox with a beak! I call it a fuck, and then I'll let it glance in your general direction.

Don't even look at me that way, because even if I could pet you I probably wouldn't, since you failed so royally. You had an infinite number of possibilities, Jackalope, and you picked this one. And now you are going to have to not live with it for the rest of your non-existent life. Deal with it.