Thursday, April 9, 2009

Poll: 33% of Americans Under 30 Prefer Socialism over Capitalism

We Wants Gulags!

A new Rasmussen poll shows that our Republic is turning frighteningly pinko:
The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey found that 20% disagree and say socialism is better. Twenty-seven percent (27%) are not sure which is better.

Adults under 30 are essentially evenly divided: 37% prefer capitalism, 33% socialism, and 30% are undecided.
I blame the early 80s advocacy of communist plots masquerading as cartoon shows such as The Smurfs for warping impressionable minds. There's an interesting analysis at ePinion about Papa Smurf being Karl Marx while Brainy is met to symbolize Trotsky because he's always getting kicked out of the Smurf Village. If that sounds a bit too teh crazy for ya, then the negative view of capitalism probably has to do with the current economic malaise.

But, the federal government billions to failing banks who made poor financial decisions is hardly the "capitalism" that Adam Smith imagined and it certainly isn't the industrial revolution workers paradise that Marx imagined. So I don't know what "ism" to call the current crop of bullshit we are dealing with.