Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Real Life Stoned Cat Now Considered Animal Abuse

I tell ya, no one has a sense of humor these days. An unemployed man exposed a young kitten to the joys of marijuana and the fuzz showed up to bust him. From LA Times:
He says the kitten would bite and scratch him and his girlfriend but he didn't want to discipline it by swatting it or squirting it with water.

Schomaker says he put the kitten in the bong three times over the last week, which made the animal "act like a stoned person."

He says he knows now that what he did was wrong.

Lancaster County sheriff's deputies responding to a domestic disturbance call Sunday alleged they saw Schomaker smoking marijuana through a piece of garden hose attached to a duct-taped, plastic glass box in which the kitten had been stuffed.

"This cat was just dazed," Sgt. Andy Stebbing said.

"She was on the front seat of the cop car, wrapped in a blanket, and never moved all the way to the Humane Society," Stebbing said.
I'm not surprised the kitten didn't move, but it probably wanted some Cheetos or something. The R. Crumb era of hilariously stoned animals has apparently come to an end.