Sunday, April 5, 2009

The Awesome: North Korean Satellite To Provide 24/7 Edu-Tainment on Dear Leader!

The Pentagon says North Korea's little bottle rocket plunked in the drink somewhere in the Pacific Ocean, but don't believe their IMPERIALI$T LIES! Danger Room dug up a statement that is much closer to the truth from the ever-reliable Korean Central News Agency:
"The satellite is transmitting the melodies of the immortal revolutionary paeans 'Song of Gen. Kim Il Sung' and 'Song of Gen. Kim Jong Il' as well as measurement data back to Earth," KCNA said, referring to North Korea's founder and his successor.
Some friends and I were watching Garth Marenghi recently, and I hope Kim Jong Il does a Karaoke version of One Track Lover:

It'd definitely be an improvement over most of what passes for television these days.